






產品簡介Product introduction


    This machine is used in industries such as food, chemical, industrial, steel, agriculture, compound fertilizers, feed, coal, and metallurgy. The design of this machine is very reasonable, practical, and has low energy consumption. It can be continuously produced, with one molding at room temperature, and can produce 2-6mm irregular particles Φ 2- Φ 10mm particles with regular shapes, such as spherical, pillow shaped, semi-circular, rod shaped, walnut shaped, flat ball shaped, square bar shaped, etc., can be used to manufacture ball and socket models on rolling rolls according to the size and shape requirements of customers. The company can customize a fertilizer production line with an annual output of 15000 to 500000 tons according to customer requirements. The complete set of equipment has a compact layout, scientific and reasonable process, leading technology, energy conservation and consumption reduction, environmental protection and no emissions of three wastes, stable operation, and convenient maintenance. In addition, the machine is equipped with independent dust removal equipment, which can prevent environmental pollution and raw material loss caused by dust flying during processing. To meet the needs of individual users, explosion-proof motors and electrical components can also be used. This machine can achieve semi-automatic or fully automated production, with convenient operation. The entire process can be operated by one person. Compared with the cumbersome wet granulation process, it greatly saves power consumption, personnel configuration, and auxiliary material investment. We provide users with services such as overall design, technical guidance, complete supply, equipment debugging, and operation training

制粒用途Granulation purpose


As the most important branch of powder granulation process processing, powder granulation technology is becoming increasingly important with the rapid development of modern industry and the improvement of production process automation. The granulation of powdered products has become an inevitable trend in the world's powder post-treatment technology. The significance of particle processing on powdered products is mainly reflected in several aspects:


    Improve the physical properties of the product (such as fluidity, breathability, bulk density) to avoid adverse effects such as segregation, pulsation, agglomeration, bridging, etc. during subsequent operations (drying,           screening, metering) and usage (metering, batching, etc.). To improve the automation of production and usage processes, closed operations have created conditions


Increase material fluidity, filling type, etc., and improve tablet formability and hardness. It can also be directly mixed with particles, stored, transported, sintered, etc


Reduce environmental dust pollution and raw material loss caused by dust flying, and improve labor operating conditions


Meet production process requirements, such as increasing porosity and specific surface area, improving heat transfer, etc


   Control the dissolution rate of the product


Making materials into ideal shapes and structures


For accurate quantification, formulation, and management


In order to accurately quantify, mix and manage the production of segregation free mixtures of different types of particle systems


Improve product appearance


Improving product appearance to prevent agglomeration during the production of certain solid substances


Improve product appearance to prevent agglomeration during the production of certain solid substances, and prevent agglomeration of materials due to long storage time, moisture absorption, or accumulation


Improving the flow characteristics of separated raw materials


Increase the volume and mass of the powder for easy storage and transportation


Reduce the hazards during the handling of toxic and corrosive materials


Adjust the porosity and specific surface area of the finished product


Improving heat transfer efficiency and aiding combustion


Adapt to different biological processes

農業的高發展需要使用高質量的肥料,緩施 控施 肥料品質提高的需要, 同時非顆粒狀肥料不方便機械自動化施肥 易產生很壞的結塊現象。

The high development of agriculture requires the use of high-quality fertilizers, and there is a need for slow and controlled application of fertilizers to improve their quality. At the same time, non granular fertilizers are not convenient for mechanical and automated fertilization, which can easily lead to bad clumping.


The quality of various powder raw materials has decreased, and impurities must be removed after grinding before granulating high-grade materials.


Environmental factors, including the treatment of recycled dust and the use of coarse-grained furnace materials to avoid air pollution caused by dust and smoke

工作原理Working principle



    The granulation host is mainly divided into two parts: forming granulation and crushing. The granulation forming part is mainly composed of: motor, belt transmission device, dedicated reducer for hard tooth surface, coupling, transmission wheel, bearing seat, bearing, pressure roller, feeding hopper, etc. Its main function is to press the powder into shape. The crusher mainly consists of a chain transmission device, gears, bearing seats, bearings, dispersal teeth, etc. Its main function is to disperse partially connected particles. This machine belongs to the extrusion sliding model, and its granulation process is to use a conveyor to evenly feed the powder into the feeding hopper of the granulation machine and enter the granulation system. The granulation device consists of a pair of pressure rollers: two pressure rollers rotate relative to each other at the same speed, and the surface of the roller is covered with grooves of the same size and shape. And the trough is aligned with the trough, while the dry powder material flows continuously and uniformly from above the two rollers, entering the biting zone and gradually being bitten into the trough by the rollers. With the continuous rotation of the rolling mill, the space occupied by the material gradually decreases and is gradually compressed, reaching the maximum forming pressure to form particles. Subsequently, the pressure gradually decreases, and the particles detach from the groove and fall into the crusher due to their elastic recovery and self weight. Some of the continuous particles are disassembled when passing through the crusher and then enter the screening device. The screened finished particles are transported to the packaging machine for weighing and packaging. The unqualified products screened out are automatically returned to the feeding bin by the conveyor for secondary granulation. The entire granulation process is closed loop and automatically completed

Note: In order to ensure that the grooves on the two rollers can be completely closed, one roller can be adjusted left and right appropriately, and the spacing between the two rollers can also be adjusted

應用范圍Application scope

?肥料、陶瓷、鑄造、煉鋼、礦產、等行業及常用物料Fertilizer, ceramics, casting, steelmaking, minerals, and other industries and commonly used materials

  水溶肥、復合肥、硫酸鉀、氯化鉀、氯化銨、硝酸鉀、硫酸銨、碳酸氫銨、磷酸一銨、磷酸二銨、俄羅斯紅鉀、NPK復合肥、尿素、煙酸、磷酸鈣、電池粉、草酸亞鐵、草酸鐵鋰、磷酸鋰、磁鐵行業、軟磁行業鐵氧體、蛋氨酸、蘇氨酸、硫酸粘桿菌素、桿菌肽鋅、煉鋼脫氧劑 、碳酸鍶、白炭黑、無機鹽粒 、氯代異氰尿酸類、漂粉精、氰尿酸、二氯異氰尿酸鈉、三氯異氰尿酸、氧化物類、氧化鋅、氧化鉛、硝酸鉀、硫酸鉀、碳酸鉀、冰晶石、吡蟲啉、磷酸二氫鈣及食品、苯酚、密胺、環氧樹脂、肥料、飼料、鈦白粉、煤粉、電玉粉、密胺粉、白碳黑、二鈉、五鈉、癸二酸、白云石粉、碳酸鎂、二氧化銻、碳酸鋇等多種化工原料的造粒,草酸鐵、氰脲酸三聚氰胺、抗氧劑、溴氯海因、氰化鈉、二氯異氰尿酸鈉、三氯異氰尿酸鈉、氰尿酸、漂粉精、氧化鉛、碳酸鉀、碳酸鍶、氯化鈣、磷酸氫鈣、偏硅酸鈉、正硅酸鈉、冰晶石、氟化鋁、剎車粉、冶金用顆粒、白炭黑、活性炭、鋁酸鈣、重鈣、普鈣、鐵氧體塊滑石、光鹵石、磷礦粉、金屬粉末、填料、飼料添加劑、砒蟲啉、煙酸、煙酸胺、煉鋼助劑、融雪劑、環保材料、鑄鐵廠粉塵、鉛、鋅、鋁粉塵,轉爐粉塵、濾塵、磨削等粉塵。

Water soluble fertilizer, compound fertilizer, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, ammonium chloride, potassium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium bicarbonate, monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, Russian red potassium, NPK compound fertilizer, urea, niacin, calcium phosphate, battery powder, ferrous oxalate, lithium iron oxalate, lithium phosphate, magnet industry, soft magnetic industry ferrite, methionine, threonine, colistin sulfate, zinc bacitracin, steelmaking deoxidizer, strontium carbonate, white carbon black Inorganic salt particles, chlorinated isocyanurate, bleaching powder, cyanuric acid, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, trichloroisocyanurate, oxides, zinc oxide, lead oxide, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, potassium carbonate, cryolite, imidacloprid, calcium dihydrogen phosphate and food, phenol, melamine, epoxy resin, fertilizer, feed, titanium dioxide, coal powder, carbide powder, melamine powder, white carbon black, disodium, pentasodium, sebacic acid, dolomite powder, magnesium carbonate Granulation of various chemical raw materials such as antimony dioxide and barium carbonate, iron oxalate, cyanuric acid melamine, antioxidants, bromochlorohydrin, sodium cyanide, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, sodium trichloroisocyanurate, cyanuric acid, bleaching powder, lead oxide, potassium carbonate, strontium carbonate, calcium chloride, calcium hydrogen phosphate, sodium metasilicate, sodium orthosilicate, cryolite, aluminum fluoride, brake powder, metallurgical particles, white carbon black, activated carbon, calcium aluminate, heavy calcium Calcium superphosphate, ferrite block talc, carnallite, phosphate ore powder, metal powder, filler, feed additive, imidacloprid, niacin, niacinamide, steelmaking additive, snow melting agent, environmentally friendly materials, cast iron factory dust, lead, zinc, aluminum dust, converter dust, filter dust, grinding and other dust.

?食品行業Food industry

【顆粒用途Particle usage】制作壓片糖顆粒、壓片用顆粒、沖劑顆粒、速溶沖劑顆粒、灌裝顆粒、調味品用顆粒、點心制造用顆粒、方便食品、乳制品、健康食品用顆粒、保健品用顆粒及壓制片劑顆粒等

Tablet sugar granule, tablet granule, granule, instant granule, filling granule, condiment granule, Dim sum granule, convenient food, dairy products, healthy food granule, health food granule and tablet granule, etc

【適用物料Applicable materials食品添加劑、淀粉、茶葉粉、螺旋藻、海參粉、蛋白粉、奶粉、豆奶粉、葡萄糖、可可粉、含糖類粉體及從水果、蔬菜中提取或粉碎后產生的干粉體等

Food additives, starch, tea powder, spirulina, sea cucumber powder, protein powder, milk powder, soy milk powder, glucose, cocoa powder, sugar containing powder, and dry powder extracted or crushed from fruits and vegetables, totaling tens of thousands of materials

?化工行業Chemical industry

【顆粒用途Particle usage】為了增加物料密度、流動性,控制溶解度,或者解決粉塵飛揚問題及粉體長時間堆放后結塊問題等

In order to increase material density, fluidity, control solubility, or solve problems such as dust flying and agglomeration of powder after long-term stacking, etc

【適用物料Applicable materials】農藥、化學藥、化妝品、洗滌劑、合成洗滌劑、化工工業用品、石墨粉、鹽類、氯化物類、氧化物類、陶瓷粉、阻燃劑、檸檬酸、氧化鋅、顏料、除草劑、農藥、拖疏石膏、炭黑、碳酸鈣,催化劑 、石油焦、電磁材料、電池填充料及化工添加劑和精細化工粉體等

    Pesticides, chemicals, cosmetics, detergents, synthetic detergents, chemical industrial products, graphite powder, salts, chlorides, oxides, ceramic powder, flame retardants, citric acid, zinc oxide, pigments, herbicides, pesticides, drag gypsum, carbon black, calcium carbonate, catalysts, petroleum coke, electromagnetic materials, battery fillers, chemical additives, and fine chemical powders, etc

?動物飼料和水處理行業Chemical industry, animal feed and water treatment industry


Animal feed, feed additives, fish, shrimp, crab, seafood feed, pond water treatment materials, etc

?塑料、橡膠行業Plastic and rubber industries

【顆粒用途Particle usage】解決粉體揚塵、混料不均勻、粉體流動性差等問題,橡膠添加劑、除味劑、除霜劑、色粉、阻燃劑、穩定劑、成核劑、塑料添加劑、消泡劑、抗氧劑、色母顆粒、增白劑

Solve problems such as powder dust, uneven mixing, and poor powder flowability, including rubber additives, deodorizers, defrosters, color powders, flame retardants, stabilizers, nucleating agents, plastic additives, defoamers, antioxidants, masterbatch particles, whitening agents, etc,

【適用物料Applicable materials】碳酸鈣、滑石粉、碳黑、石墨、色粉、鈦白粉、氧化鋅、鐵紅、ppo、pps、密胺、硬質酸鎂、蠟粉、磷酸酯、三聚氰胺、聚全氟乙烯、聚二氟乙烯、塑料粉等

Calcium carbonate, talc powder, carbon black, graphite, color powder, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, iron red, ppo, pps, melamine, magnesium hard acid, wax powder, phosphate ester, melamine, perfluoroethylene, polydifluoroethylene, plastic powder, etc

成品顆粒Finished particles


Note: the size, hardness and shape of the particles are adjustable

扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles
扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles
扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles
扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒3-5mm Flat circular particles
圓形顆粒3-5mm Round particles圓形顆粒5-6mm Round particles圓形顆粒8-10mm Round particles
扁圓顆粒8-10mm Flat circular particles扁圓顆粒8-10mm Flat circular particles薄片型顆粒 Thin flake particles
橢圓顆粒 Elliptical particles扁圓顆粒10-15mm Flat circular particles方形顆粒 Bar shaped particles
橢圓顆粒 Elliptical particles條形顆粒Bar shaped particles方形顆粒 Bar shaped particles


Note: In addition to the above particle shapes, other shapes of particles can also be made, and molds can be customized according to customer requirements

技術參數Technical parameter table

型 號modelLMD-200LMD-280
時產量Hourly output200-1000kg/h200-1500kg/h
壓輥寬度Roller width200mm280mm
壓片電機Tablet pressing motor15kw18.5kw
拆粒電機Crushing motor1.5kw2.2kw
長×寬×高Length x width x height1250×940×16301450×1000×1750
材質material quality


The contact surface material of the material is made of 304 stainless steel


The contact surface material of the material is made of 304 stainless steel


Note: The equipment output is for reference only, and the specific output is subject to actual testing


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